About Me

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chennai, tamil nadu, India
god made grass..
man made booze...
i made this....
whom do u trust?

09 January 2011

StriVe to ThriVe

As, stated by Darwin, the fittest will survive, is undergoing a change "FITTEST ALONE SURVIVES". With the cut throat competition everywhere, there is no mere respect for the word simple.

Every new innovation is bringing down a special to simple. These innovations have a magic in them and opens up a new dimension!

It was and It will be innovators who will play a key role in designing new products and defining standards of living as public merely or in most cases, does not know what is possible!

Intuition is vital for innovators. Of the many ideas out there, innovators have to use their experience and intuition to pick up the correct one. This also needs a lot of courage,exposure... which is possible only by expanding your horizon.

BE YOU.BE UNIQUE! This is the basic theme for any innovator. All their endeavors focus towards designing revolutionary products.

So, the matra for becoming an innovator is "rather than enjoying the usual casual life, strive for a better you"

Mind you, this struggle should never be at the cost other's hunger.

P.S: Innovators have are many dimensions..I elaborated one!