About Me

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chennai, tamil nadu, India
god made grass..
man made booze...
i made this....
whom do u trust?

03 April 2009

5o miNutEs

Here she enters the class
throws her wicked smile
and opens up her guide
even without a second delay.

why so confusing she teaches
one thousand times i tried
making me mad every moment
need a break forever

one sleeps to save himself
from her irritating voice
and awkward expressions
even then she wakes us up

sometime later she dictates
a problem which has no end
of course,solving is a horizon
none even know whether it ended

in an hours time
with watch We make love
staring at the bell a 100 times

got bored dying in every class
scrape goat is better than us
Atleast it dies only once

whether u r a geek or junkie
a doubt to her Never pose
she makes u a fool

P.S: she aint this type :)